This is a mobile learning solution for training health care workers including Community Health Workers (CHWs). Leap employs an appropriate mobile learning approach to train and empower health workers using their mobile devices operating from any phone enabling the health workers to learn at their own pace and with their own mobile devices while in the community, providing for both the interpersonal and community aspects of learning.


Leap contributes to driving lasting health change for communities in Sub-Saharan Africa by increasing access to quality, timely and appropriate training by reaching learners on any device, basic or smart using Leap’s SMS and audio technology.

  • Measures learners’ progress through evaluations, quizzes and practical exercises, as well as real-time performance reports and supervision tools;
  • Delivers any health content, tapping into our accredited content or customizing new content, to equip health workers with knowledge and skill to succeed;
  • Allows learners to interact and share knowledge with their peers through group chat, communicating anytime, anywhere, at the touch of a button; and
  • Engages any health worker, wherever they are, through multi-lingual instructions and learning content while supporting decisions at the community level through diagnostic trees and enabled learner support via our helpdesk system.

Leap empowers organisations and health workers to transform the health outcomes of the communities they serve. AEL anticipates partnering with Ministries of Health, the private sector, and development partners in programmes and services to build Africa’s first fully integrated mobile community health platform, accelerating the path to empowering a million CHWs and strengthening community health systems.


Leap employs both the fee for service and subscription business models for content development and access to training materials. The solution has so far had the following reach in our communities:

  • 74,000 Community Health Workers onboarded on the platform
  • 35,000 Community Health Workers trained on the platform
  • 3,500,000 Community household members reached with the much needed health education, basic first aid, nutrition and referral services