Health System Strengthening and Services Delivery

Goal: To strengthen laboratory and Blood transfusion services in public health institutions in the Republic of South Sudan by accelerating implementation of the national HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan at all health care levels by 2020.


Expected Outcomes

1) Feasible, realistic and sustainable EID and VL plan; EID & VL training curriculum/ materials developed; EID & VL data collection tools verified and disseminated to sites,

 2) Improved quality of HIV test and CD4 results through initiation of proficiency testing at 5 pilot sites,

3) Increased number of labs (4) with capacity to perform clinical tests, and 2 labs recognized in the process towards accreditation; reduced equipment down-time and functional biosafety and biosecurity program in 3 labs,

4) Improved management and leadership skills; in-service training curriculum developed; standardized pre-service training and operational plan developed,

5)Increased number and improved quality of blood units; reduced number of TTI in blood units; enhanced data quality from NBTS.


Targeted Beneficiaries: The National Public Health Laboratory; children under 5 years, women and men aged 15 – 49 years; HIV exposed children; Public Health Facilities #


Strategy: Capacity building, Health systems strengthening and partnerships and National & State MoH.


Implementation Areas:  National MOH, National Public Health Laboratory and geographically high HIV prevalence areas in Western Equatoria, Central Equatoria, and Eastern Equatoria in South Sudan


Implementation Areas:  National Public Health Laboratory and Geographically high prevalence areas ((Western Equatoria, Central Equatoria, and Eastern Equatoria)


Key achievements:  VL program; 18 HFs enrolled in the program and 6000 VL samples tested since the start in March-2017; EID with 26 HFs enrolled in the program, 3200 EID samples collected and tested HIV exposed infants since the start in July 2016; 42 HFs enrolled in Proficiency Testing for HIV with overall performance of 86%; Capacity Building; develop the curriculum for training medical laboratory technologist in the country; Blood safety: 3500 of units of blood collected and screened for TTIs, 12 staff working on blood transfusion units trained on appropriate use of blood and blood products.

Goal: To contribute to reduced infant and maternal mortality through integrated support of health, nutrition and food security to women and children in Maridi und Ibba County.


Expected Outcomes: Increased access to integrated community case management of childhood illnesses, increased access to safe water and sanitation services to vulnerable women and children in schools and the community, improved nutrition status and livelihoods of farmer groups, communities and schools; Strengthened capacity of facility-based and county health department staffs to monitor and evaluate delivery of high impact health services in the community; and increased access and uptake of high impact primary health care services and practices.


Targeted Beneficiaries: 73,587 women and children under five years;  100 girl pupils of Maridi girls’ secondary school, 240 student of Maridi Health Sciences Institute and 08 women groups.


Strategy: Capacity building, Behaviour change campaigns, Community based implementation through farmer groups.


Implementation Areas:  Maridi and Ibba Counties in Western Equatoria State of South Sudan


Key achievements: Re-initiated TB treatment services in Maridi State – 171 treated; Established a fish farm as model for fish-farming to increase dietary diversity – 1 fish farm; Increased access to immunization services in 4 Bomas of Ibba that were not receiving Immunization services with 1500 children vaccinated; Increased access to safe water by installing 2 new and repairing 6 Boreholes, 1 spring; In-service training for 61 health workers in various field.

Goal: Strengthening and Supporting Yambio Hospital to provide therapeutic nutrition services to children with complications and promote IYCF through maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN) to reduce malnutrition related complications and mortality; and Contribute to an increase in access to quality primary Health Care Services in Yambio Hospital.


Expected Outcome:

1) Lives of 210 girls and boys with SAM and medical complication under five years saved through quality therapeutic services in Yambio hospital under AMREF management for a period of fifteen months

2) Increased knowledge of preventive nutrition through health and nutrition education on IYCF, hygiene practices, disease prevention and caring practices among 1500 mothers /caretakers of children in Yambio hospital for a period of Twelve months.

3) Increase access to therapeutic inpatient services (stabilization center) through nutrition screening targeting 2000 under five children in the outpatient wing in Yambio hospital and collaborate closely with nearby OTP sites for coordinated referrals for Twelve months;

4) a package of primary health care services provided to 7,800 Children under five years of age;

5) 5,000 long lasting insecticide treated nets will be distributed; and

6) increased immunization targeting 5000 children under 1years.


Target beneficiaries: 7800 children under 5yrs; and 5000 Pregnant and lactating women


Strategy: Support Stabilization Centre, Fixed site immunization services, maternity service points and Out-patient care and paediatric wards.


Key achievement: Completed set up of Nutrition Stabilization Centre, and initiated services; Re-established Immunization services. Amref Health Africa joined Humanitarian clusters for saving lives through nutrition support; Amref joined the SUN movement to support advocacy for Nutrition integration everywhere.

Goal: Contribute to the reduction of mortality rates in South Sudan by increasing access to quality health care and nutrition services in drought and conflict-affected areas of Western and Eastern Equatoria


Target beneficiaries: total of 3,128 direct beneficiaries in Yambio, Maridi and Ibba Counties, through capacity building, and health & nutrition service provision


Expected outcome: Seven health facilities provide integrated curative and preventive primary health care services to children under 5 years of age and pregnant women; Community health education activities are integrated with hygiene and sanitation messages; Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) is implemented in the targeted communities to prevent and treat malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea cases ; Two SMART Surveys Conducted and Nutrition information available; Supported health facilities provide OTP and TSFP services; Functional IDSR & community-based early warning systems are in place,


Strategy: implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health, through Boma Health Initiative system for community health


Key achievements: Initiation of Boma Health Implementation in Yambio as technical lead; Already strengthening In-service training – 17 Health workers trained on IMCI skills.

Goal: To sustainably contribute to the reduction in mortality and morbidity from water-borne diseases amongst urban and peri-urban poor communities of Torit, Yei and Yambio Municipalities/state capitals, by the end of 2018


Target beneficiaries: Communities living in the 3 municipalities of Yambio, Torit and Yei


Expected Outcome: At least 11,200 persons of 3 municipalities with access to clean water, increase knowledge of proper water treatment and storage at home, hygienic habits, and prevention against diseases (cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid).


Strategy: Engaging women and girls as central players in Household hygiene and sanitation planning, provision, management and safeguarding of water from contamination during collection, transportation and storage. 


Implementation area: Yambio, Torit and Yei municipalities in Gbudue State, Imatong State and Yei River state respectively.


Key Achievements: Sustainability of three utilities (TUWSS, YUWASCO and YTWSS) to provide clean drinking water to an estimated population of 70,000 people; Rehabilitated 75% of boreholes in Torit Municipality to increase access to clean water to about 7,500 people. Trained and engaged 304 women who reached 11,200 Households in Torit and Yambio which increased knowledge of households on proper water treatment and storage at homes, hygienic habits, and prevention against diseases (cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid). The proportion of Households using clean containers for fetching, carrying and storage of drinking water increased steadily by 15% in both Yambio and Torit.  There increase in access of Sanitation and hygiene facilities in Yambio & Torit with 8% increase in latrine coverage.