Training and Capacity Building

Amref’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) was founded on the need to build capacity of Human Resources for Health, health organizations and systems through quality training and programming models leveraging innovation to improve health outcomes in Sub Saharan Africa ICD seeks to increase the number and skills mix of mid-level and community level Health workers. This will be achieved through building and testing innovative HRH models for education and training incorporating eLearning and mLearning, generating evidence influence policy for for Human Resources for Health (HRH), strengthening Leadership, Management and Governance (LMG) capacities for HRH, optimizing performance of HRH through mentorship and coaching programs as well as  research and advocacy for productivity and retention. The institute provides a number of services in the area of Capacity Development, including: Curriculum and Content Development, Conversion of content into e/mLearning for open and distance learning, training for individuals & organisations, building and testing innovative teaching and learning models, Technical Assistance in learning infrastructure deployment, coaching and mentorship, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Capacity Assessments, Project Management, relationship and partnership management, Business case development and modelling, advocacy, Proposal Writing and Fundraising.

Today, Amref Health Africa is actively implementing capacity development initiatives through innovative training methodologies such as eHealth and mHealth in over 17 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. ICD also supports HRH interventions to improve quality of pre and in-service training and faculty training. During the last 6 years, ICD has rolled out eLearning infrastructure to 34 nurse training colleges and 110 eLearning Centres located in health facilities across the Kenya, increasing access to training by over 1100%.

The Institute of Capacity Development seeks to:

Create: Design models/approaches which are locally responsive to the needs of communities but connected to global agendas

Replicate: Scale up the Amref Health Africa capacity development approaches across cadres and geographies in sub-Saharan Africa

Innovate: Explore the use of new technologies in capacity  development for health and development

Publish: Document and disseminate lessons learned in the use of innovative capacity development approaches for health and development

Some of the initiatives currently running within the institute include;

The project aims to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of 1400 mid-level health workers to effectively manage and control diabetes and childhood asthma in Kenya. GlaxoSmithKline funds the project and it is implemented in selected sub counties of Kilifi, Nyeri, Kakamega and Nairobi counties. The project will also train 1100 community health workers to mobilise households and communities for screening, diagnosing, treatment and referral to ensure early detection, prevention management and control of these diseases in the counties. The Project is collaborating with the MoH Non-Communicable Diseases Division and Community Health Services Unit and the County MoH. The project is equipping a critical mass of trainers of trainers/trainees to cascade face- to- face courses to counties and roll out e/mLearning to targeted health workers In addition, the project is strengthening community-based disease surveillance system by ensuring reporting on diabetes and asthma. Further to this, the Project is piloting the Asthma Care Improvement Project, an adjunct project, to train a middle-level health workforce cohort with the capacity to provide dedicated asthma care to Embakasi West and Kasarani sub – counties of Nairobi County. Monitoring and evaluation from effects of training, community mobilisation, advocacy and public awareness on diabetes and childhood asthma will facilitate generation of evidence to recommend for policy and practice change.

The project aims to strengthen health systems in Africa by equipping health stewards (leaders) with leadership, management and governance skills to provide responsive and services for sustainable development in Africa. This accredited training of health stewards, drawn from various counties in Kenya and even other countries in Africa, is implemented through blended approach combining face to face and eLearning training methodologies for improved learning outcomes.. The health workers are drawn from the public and private health organizations in Kenya and across Africa. In addition, the Philips/Amref partnership is expanding its reach to strengthen health systems by establishing Community Lfe Centres (CLCs) in Kenya and to in other selected countries in Africa. ICD will adapt training curricula and implement training in courses such as high blood pressure and diabetes, Childhood diseases, Community outreach packages and health systems strengthening. The training target groups are nurses, midwives, health facility in-charges/administrators, clinical officers, and community health volunteers.

Amref Health Africa’s partnership with GSK through the 20% Re-investment Initiative aims at increasing the numbers of trained health care workers in rural and marginalized communities to specifically address the health challenges affecting pregnant women and under-fives in East and Southern Africa. The main focus of interventions is on capacity building and training of mid-level health workers and community health workers and empowering communities in the target countries through partnering with Ministries of Health, private sector and NGO partners identified by Amref Health Africa and/or GSK. Now in its second phase, the programme is operational across seventeen countries

Family planning and Primary Health Care in Cameroon receive less attention and resources than secondary, and tertiary care services. As such, the human resources for health (HRH) have diverted attention from community and peripheral clinics to hospital wards and outpatient centers. This imbalanced distribution of resources has the potential to jeopardize the capacity to meet the FP2020 objective of providing universal access to contraception.

Building on USAID funded LMG programing, the USAID’s leadership in HRH programming designed a local leadership, management and governance (l-LMG) program to align with existing agenda on HRH to strengthen the public and private sectors towards advancement of Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) goals for the benefit of women, children and families in Cameroon The HRH2030 project aims to strengthen leadership and management capacity of Cameroon National Association of Family Planning Welfare (CAMNAFAW), a private health service provider, to advance FP2020 goals. The project is also strengthening a local multi-sectoral team of leaders in subnational districts of Soa, Mimboman, Cariere (Millenaire) and Cesare (Nkoufoulou) to lead mobilisation of resources for the HRH efforts that ensure accessibility, availability, acceptability and quality HRH to provide family planning services. Additionally, the project has trained health care providers in these districts in clinical and counseling skills aimed at addressing HRH barriers to quality FP services. Monitoring and evaluation of effects of the training exercises, challenges and lessons learnt in the implementations of action plans by health service provider and l-LMG team will provide a road map of scale up strategies in Cameroon and other West African countries targeted in the project in 2017-2018. Amref Health Africa is in partnership with Chemonics International Inc

The JIBU mLearning project is funded by the Elsevier Foundation to scale up the use of mLearning for continuous professional development among nurses in Kenya. The project is a follow up of successful first phase of the Jibu project that proved effectiveness for use of technology for continuous support  among nurses and midwives in Uganda and Tanzania. Phase II of the project aims at improving inclusivity in access to on job support and continuous training for health workers through a mobile cross platform application and increasing the range of training content.

This is a partnership project with IntraHealth and Strathmore Business School aimed to strengthen Human Resources for Health in 27 counties Kenya. The project goal is to improve health outcomes in HIV, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health; family planning and malaria. The Amref led project interventions aim to improve of pre-service training, faculty, learning environment and the curriculum for training health workers as well as institutionalize in-service training so that health workers are positive actors in the health system contributing to county health goals and delivering quality care.

In year one of the Project (2016-2017), Amref will assess the capacity of training institutions (curriculum, faculty & environment) to provide responsive PST & IST on HIV, RMNCAH & malaria (including clinical placement sites) and provide technical assistance in organizing a baseline survey to collect data on capacity of institutions to provide responsive IST and PST on HIV, RMNC and Malaria.

The project aimed at improving maternal and newborn health out-comes in Samburu. The project is being implemented in partnership with PharmAccess Foundation, Safaricom EBU, Amref Health Africa and the Ministry of Health of Kenya (MoH) through the Samburu County Health Management Team. The partners designed and implement solutions to address the main barriers for Samburu mothers to access quality maternal and child health service across the County.

Funded by MasterCard Foundation, the Zambia Nurse and Lifeskills Training Programme (ZNLTP) is a partnership between ChildFund Zambia and Amref Health Africa as the implementing agencies. The objective of the programme is to train high school leavers entering the nursing and midwifery profession using an integrated and scalable technology solution. The programme will support the Zambian Ministry of Health to add 6000 skilled nurses and midwives to the workforce by 2017.

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