

It has come to our attention that unauthorized individuals or organizations are falsely using the Amref Health Africa name to fraudulently circulate a tender notice.

Please note that:

1.) All genuine Amref tenders are announced on the Amref website www.amref.org and official newspapers (The Daily Nation and/or The Standard).
2.)If during the tender process, it is necessary to change any terms and conditions of the tender, an addendum will be published using the same means of communication as the originally published tender.

Should you have any doubts about the authenticity of an email, letter or telephone communication purportedly from, for, or on behalf of Amref Health Africa, please send us an email query before taking any further action in relation to the correspondence. You can contact us on info@amref.org or reach us via 020 699 4000.

The general public and corporate organisations are advised not to transact business with the unscrupulous persons issuing these fake tenders and to ensure that thorough due diligence is conducted in all cases to avoid falling victim to the peddlers of these fake tenders.

DISCLAIMER: Amref shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever suffered or may be suffered by any part or members of the public arising from or as a result of reliance on or usage of any information from portals, websites or e-mail domains which are not authorized by Amref.

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