Wezzie Kenan
Wezzie is a Development Practitioner with over 14 years work experience in development field in both civil service and NGO sector. Wezzie has vast experience in Project Management and Business Development. She has been instrumental in Resource Mobilisation in large NGOs in Malawi such as ActionAid International and Feed the Children. Wezzie has successfully led proposal development processes that have led to successful grants from various donors including USAID, Irish Aid, World Bank, CIDA, BMZ and governments to mention a few. She holds a Bachelor of Art Degree in Integrated Community Development and Psychology which was obtained at Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya and she also holds a Master of Arts Degree in International Development obtained from Eastern University in the USA. Wezzie is currently working as the Regional Business Development for Malawi and Zambia. Wezzie strongly supports equal access to services among all groups of people and she particularly supports promotion of access to health services among the poor and vulnerable groups such as women, girls and children.