Amref Health Africa – Shares experiences of supporting and contributing to dignified living of Migrants in Africa.

Amref Health Africa – Shares experiences of supporting and contributing to dignified living of Migrants in Africa1

On invitation by  the  Snapshots From The Borders organization team Dr. Patrick Kagurusi  the Country Manager of Africa  Health Africa in Uganda, had an opportunity to share its’ experience in supporting  migrants settle in Uganda  ensuring they  are  able to live in harmony and respect  with the host communities.  Amref Health Africa works in Refugee host in the Districts of Arua and Adjumani districts.  In these districts we support the Health component in Ofua ward with in the Rhino camp and in Adjumani we support school health work in schools including nutrition which entail a feeding program   for school children.

Snapshots from the Borders organization  program  aims to improve the critical understanding of European, national and local decision makers and of  public opinion about global interdependencies determining migration flows towards European borders, in the perspective of reaching SDGs targets, especially SDG 1, 5, 10 11 and 16. Specifically, the project intends to strengthen a new horizontal, active network among cities directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promote more effective policy coherence at all levels (European, national, local).

At the February 2021 webinar organized by Snapshots from the Border and Amref Health Africa in Italy, 30 representatives from across 13 EU attended the webinar.  Among the three panelist was the Commissioner of Refugee Mr. Apollo Kahungu.M who provided the Government of Uganda perspective in hosting and managing Refugees.  The webinar had participants from NGO representatives, Media Officers and Mayors from several EU countries involved in the project under the theme “Snapshots from the borders – Small towns facing the global challenges of Agenda 2030”

The lead moderator of the webinar Téclaire Ngo Tam of the Organisation SÜDWIND in Austria informed participants that this webinar was to provide a snapshot of what the team will be able to see during the planned field visit in summer.   

Dr. Patrick was able to demonstrate to the participants Amref Health Africa’s experiences, good practices and local policies taking into account aspects such as: intra-African migration, Health management as a case in point in settlements, welcoming problems and best practices.  Whereas Mr. Kazungu the Commissioner of Refugees in Uganda was able to provide an  African analysis on migration, on-the-spot communication on migration in Uganda and awareness raising on migration risks.

The Snapshots from the Borders is a 3-year project (October 2017- October 2020) co-funded by the European Union (Europe Aid DEAR budget line), run by 35 partners, border Local Authorities and Civil Society organisations.   It aims to improve the critical understanding of European, national and local decision makers and of public opinion about global interdependencies determining migration flows towards European borders.

Specifically, the project intends to strengthen a new horizontal, active network among cities directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promote more effective policy coherence at all levels (European, national, local).

Snapshots from the borders implements a bottom-up approach in terms of capacity building, advocacy and network building, where local decision making and stakeholders involvement is valued as able to identify real needs and goals in the migration and development debate.

The project involves 13 EU countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta. To have more info about Partners check the link.

 Amref Health Africa Italy role in the project: Coordinator/Organizer of Communication and Campaigning Specific Objectives that Promote coordination between European border cities affected by migratory flows, to promote policy coherence at European, national and local level.