Midwives, Defenders of Human Rights

The Midwifery day celebrations were held in Mbarara District on 5th May 2019.  The Celebrations were presided over by Dr.Joyce Moriku Kaducu, the Minister of State for Health.

During the celebration, Amref Health Africa was recognized and appreciated as being a leader in health worker competence training and fore fronting the lead in UHC campaign by the Hon. State Minister for Health, Dr. Joyce Moriku Kaducu.

With support from the eLearning project funded by GSK and the Health Systems Advocacy project, Amref Health Africa has contributed and supported the implementation of competence based training for midwives in Uganda. Along with that Amref Health Africa with funding from the Foreign Ministry of the Dutch Government we have advocated for better working conditions, upgrading and better motivation packages for all health workers to curb health worker migration in Uganda. We also continue to advocate for policies and guidelines towards enhancing Universal Health Coverage in Uganda.