Site integrated mentorship on FANC improved in 489 health facilities.
565 Health workers from 14 districts in SW – Uganda trained in different aspects of FANC.
The supported health facilities identified 17,503 early pregnancies, helped 32,640 women who attended ANC1 before 14 weeks, and 68,598 women who attended 4 ANC visits.
Skills labs established in 112 health facilities for HW mentorship
171 HWs trained on MPDR guidelines, PCPNP and National New born care guidelines.
146 supported health facilities have improved reviews of perinatal and maternal death.
419 health workers mentored on the SMGL best practices.
280 (57%) of the 489 were equipped health facilities are ably meeting standards for BeMONC and CeMONC.
In the 14 districts of South Western Uganda, 2042 health workers were mentored on documentation of PNC services
418 health facilities supported to streamline PNC services
Using the network of 2250 VHTs, 8,885 women were managed through established community referral mechanism to facilities for MNCH services
Through the demand creation messages, 10,582 women of reproductive age reached.
16 district based child mentors trained in high impact Child Health Interventions.
609 health workers given post training mentorship.
4,309 sick children assessed and managed correctly.
162 facilities have now established baby corners, 194 reporting new born mortality including conduct new-born death audit.
204 health facilities mapped, assessed and strengthened to provide youth friendly services.
124 health facilities have been equipped and now have functional youth corners.
So far 1,183 youth accessed SRH information.
319 active Youth Peers Educators were involved in SRH mobilization of peers to access service delivery at targeted sites.
9,752 youth were linked to SRH and support services.
877 youth now accessing HIV prevention services (HTS) in target districts.
Knowledge and practices of health workers from health facilities in targeted vulnerable and underserved communities increased from 35% pre-assessment to 95% posttraining assessment.
Through support and funding from Amref flying Doctors Netherlands, Amref Uganda in 2017 implemented interventions that have strengthened the capacity and improved skills of health workers. These led to improved delivery of clean & safe MNCH services at facility levels and improved access to basic sanitation and hygiene practices in communities of Amuru district in Northern Uganda.
Amref trained 24 (10 female & 2 male) health workers (midwives, clinical officers, health assistants and nursing officers) from 6 health facilities in infection control and cordcare practices.
1777 (1106 Female: 671 Male) people from around high volume sites accessed MNCH services during integrated outreaches conducted by trained health workers. Children benefited from immunization, HTC; ANC and GMP.
22 (1 male: 21 female) health workers (midwives) were give on the job training and mentorship on current MNCH services focused on; birth preparation plan, danger signs a mother should know during pregnancy that needs emergency care; A practicum was done on how to fill the partograph and neonatal resuscitation