Socio-Cultural Barriers Influencing Utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Information and Services among Adolescents and Youth 10 – 24 Years in Pastoral Communities in Kenya

As in other developing countries, sexual and reproductive ill-health continues to mostly affect adolescents and youths. Samburu and Turkana counties in Kenya have some of the highest levels of total fertility rates (TFR) at 6.3 and 6.9 respectively placing them well above the national TFR of 3.9. Establishing factors that influence utilization of SRH services among adolescent and youth aged 10 – 24 years is critical in developing an effective program.

Kinaro, J. , Wangalwa, G. , Karanja, S. , Adika, B. , Lengewa, C. and Masitsa, P. (2019) Socio-Cultural Barriers Influencing Utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Information and Services among Adolescents and Youth 10 – 24 Years in Pastoral Communities in Kenya. Advances in Sexual Medicine, 9, 1-16. doi: 10.4236/asm.2019.91001