“The Situation has changed for the better”, says a teacher, Regina Mwita
Wednesday, 31 March, 2021

Regina Mwita 35, a teacher at Bisarara Secondary School, she is grateful for Amref’s Usafi Kwa Afya Project, especially in providing an incinerator for disposing the waste. Unlike in the past where the school used to collect waste in a big bucket and burn them at the compost pit using kerosene, the situation has indeed, changed for the better. She sees the use of incinerator as the best way of disposing waste and preserving the environment. “We no longer use kerosene, because it is not good for our health, we collect waste and dump them in the incinerator,” she says.

Apart from the incinerator, the school has also benefited from the water tank which has improved the state of hygiene and cleanliness. “We can maintain cleanliness by washing our hands after using the toilet. In the past, female students used to be afraid to go and throw the waste because boys would laugh at them, a situation which made them not to properly dispose of the waste…” This brought our attention into what girls must have been through in their school life.