It’s a ‘Curse’ for Girls Who Did Not Undergo FGM

Through Integrated ARP and WASH project in Kilindi, Amref Health Africa in Kilindi contribute a lot to educate Maasai elders who believes that curse will follow those who did not undergo FGM.  Sawasawa Lopejo a Maasai elderly leader […]

Hope is what made me healthy and the new me – Jamillah testifies

The Ngamiani Health Centre remained in Jamila’s life memory as it is where her hope of living journey started.   Jamilah (42) saw the lights of living a normal and healthy life after a long time of scaring and ignoring the idea of going for HIV testing. […]

Church Leaders join efforts towards combating HIV/AIDS in the communities

Father Emanuel J Masoud, who is at the forefront  leading the  HIV/AIDS section at the Anglican Church in Zanzibar believes that;  the church has  a  great contribution and  ability to  influence people  on the ground when it comes to ways of reducing or  combating HIV/AIDS. Amref Health […]