We got 96 search results
Personal Stories
Veronica Masomeke: Talking about sexual and reproductive Issues was a Taboo
Veronica Masomeke at Chenge Secondary. Image by Adrian Mgaya, Amref Health Africa, Tanzania.
Veronica Masomeke, 17, is a form four student and a peer educator at Chenge Secondary School in Bariadi District in the Simiyu region in Tanzania. She is one of the 1,356 adolescents Read More
Personal Stories
Improved latrines construction: An employment opportunity
“My name is Mwita Maryogo Marwa (42). I am a mason and I got training on construction of toilets through Amref FINISH project.” Maryogo, along with other men, benefited from the training facilitated by Amref Tanzania on the construction of toilets. The training has not only equipped Maryogo and his colleagues with hands-on skills, but has also enabled him to be an inspiration in his community on the importance of having and using improved toilets for each homestead.
“The construction training has given me confi
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Personal Stories
“The Situation has changed for the better”, says a teacher, Regina Mwita
Regina Mwita 35, a teacher at Bisarara Secondary School, she is grateful for Amref’s Usafi Kwa Afya Project, especially in providing an incinerator for disposing the waste. Unlike in the past where the school used to collect waste in a big bucket and burn them at the compost pit using kerosene, the situation has indeed, changed for the better. She sees the use of incinerator as the best way of disposing waste and preserving the environment. “We no longer use kerosene, because it is not good for our health, we collect waste and dump them in the incinerator,�
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Personal Stories
“They Call me Mama Choo” – Maria Kisiri
Maria Kisiri, 44, is one of the CHWs in Serengeti District, and we capture some of her experience with the FINNISH Mondial project. Upon receiving training from Amref in 2018, Maria’s area of work has been at Central Stand ward in Serengeti District, where, alongside other CHWs, she conducts house-to-house awareness on sanitation and hygiene about the dangers of contagious diseases caused by poor access to improved sanitation and hand washing practices. In addition to creating awareness, CHWs have also been given hands-on skills on how to build toilets using local
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Personal Stories
Dickson Justin Matoli: Restoring Privacy and Dignity of Young Girls at School
Dickson Justin Matoli a headteacher of Bisarara primary school. He has seen noticeable change since the start of USAFI KWA AFYA project, being implemented by Amref in his school.
According to Dickson, Amref Health Africa has helped them to build a 70,000 Litres water storage tank for rain water harvest in 2019, which has helped in providing drinking water and cleaning their classes as well as toilets.
“We are grateful to Amref Health Africa for giving
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Personal Stories
Story of Change: People Can Change, hear Paulina’s experiences
Born in the village of Zagayu in Itilima district, Tanzania, Paulina Boniface Dotto, 53, has been working with the Uzazi Uzima (Kiswahili for “Safe Deliveries”) project implemented by Amref Health Africa. She devotes her time to promoting the value and importance of antenatal care services (ANC). Paulina started working as traditional birth attendant and she was later trained to become an active Community Health Worker (CHW) in her village.
Zagayu Centre is one of the health&n
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Personal Stories
Story of Change: Enhancing the Provision of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Services
For the past four years Sibaba Kiseja, 56, has been working as a Village Executive Officer for Habiya Village in the Simiyu region of Tanzania. He has been very instrumental in ensuring his village members are aware of the health services accessible while advocating and working closely with other leaders to improve the provision of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) services. His village is among the ones benefiting through the Uzazi Uzima project interventions aimed at improving the provision of RMNC
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Personal Stories
Ending FGM in Kilindi District, Tanga Region – A story by Dr. Jane Sempeho
When we think about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Tanzania, there is a lot of concern on the effects that it has on the lives of the young girls. Many people have contributed their efforts in ending it and among them we have Dr Jane Sempeho. She deserves a tribute , due to efforts she made to fight FGM.
Dr. Sempeho is the manager at Amref Health Africa in Tanzania integrated ARP-WASH project, which is implemented in Kilindi District of Tanga Region. She works closely with Maasai communitie
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Personal Stories
“Education to end FGM practices in Kilindi District meets challenges, but that cannot hold us back,” says Dr. Jane Sempeho
The work of ending FGM in Maasai society was not an easy task, Dr Jane Sempeho says they faced challenges from various groups in the community including men (Morani) who were not ready to marry girls who were not cut.
The other resisting group was the Circumcisers famously known as Ngariba) who benefited in the business of cutting girls paused a challenge. For example, they used to earn a sum of 5 USD per girl, not to mention other favors from the community like gifts, the best parts of slaughtered cattl
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Personal Stories
More than 300 Girls graduate into womanhood without ‘The Cut’
Amref Health Africa in Tanzania through the Integrated ARP and WASH project in Kilindi held anAlternative Rite of Passage (ARP) training and graduation ceremony engaging both girls and boys from Kilindi District, Tanga Region. During the three-day training, a total of 300 girls graduated into womanhood at the Alternative Rite of Passage celebration. The week started with training sessions on a variety of topics including reproductive health, the effects of female genital mutilation (FGM), early marriage, teenage pregnancy, life skills and children’s rights.
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