Blooming Where Planted: The Dividends of Investing in Young Women

Power to Youth Amref Ethiopia

Dr Rediet Nigussie, 24, knew from an early age that she wanted to make a positive impact on the world. She became a doctor and then a dedicated advocate for adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health rights (AYSRHR). “My passion lies in advocating meaningful and inclusive youth participation in AYSRHR,” she says. “My goal is not just to ensure that young people are actively engaging in the decision-making processes, but also in helping shape policies and programs that address our needs.”

Rediet was tapped to be a Power to You(th) ambassador, a position she felt could help her make a difference in the lives of young Ethiopians. She was a quick learner, eagerly participating in high-level panel discussions, meetings, and trainings. She attended international conferences and workshops including the development of national AYSRHR guideline and strategies.  

“But the game changer was the opportunity to be part of the first-ever youth-led research in Ethiopia. Through Power to You(th), my cohort of 20 young Ethiopians received intensive training on research skills that helped us identify the challenges facing young people. We wrote proposals, collected data, and finalized our write-up,” says Rediet.

The goal was to use solidly researched and data-backed findings to advocate for youth health at  the national and sub-national levels. “Normally, projects only engage young people during planning, implementation, or monitoring. As far as I know, Power to You(th) is the first project that meaningfully involved young people in research.”

Findings from this work included a solid understanding: that while young people have the potential, they lack the opportunity to pointedly contribute towards identifying the challenges and solutions around sexual and reproductive health and rights. The issue is further compounded for youth in rural areas.

“Throughout my involvement in the Power to You(th) project, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative nature of young people when we have the opportunity to be decision-makers,” says Rediet. “If we remove the barriers of limited access to education and healthcare, seriously address gender inequality, and methodically disassemble prevailing social norms such as harmful traditions, the sky is the limit for young people!”

Power to You(th) connects the dots and strategically nurtures homegrown talent, especially young women, to be part of the conversation and the solution.

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