Amref Health Africa partnering with WE-Action and Kulich Youth Reproductive Health and Development Organization implements ‘Scaling up Family Planning for Resilience Building’ project in Afar, Amhara, Oromia, and Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP) regions.
Through financial support from the European Union (EU), the project works to ensure sustainable access to sexual, reproductive health and family planning services in drought prone and chronically food insecure districts these regions. This initiative also works towards empowering youth and women through establishing and strengthening grassroots-based groups and creating access to socio-economic opportunities.
Intervention Areas
Borena in Oromia Region
Waghimra in Amahra Region
Zone-One in Afar Region
Wolaita and South Omo Zones in SNNP Region
Over all the ‘RESET Plus II Family Planning ‘ project contributes to the resilience of vulnerable communities through consolidated Family Planning (FP) practices, gender equality and decreased demographic pressure in five EU RESET clusters covering 16 districts.
Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia has been implementing EU funded projects in various regions and districts of the country since 2008. Our very first EU funded project ‘Strengthening Pastoralist Health Care Systems’ was implemented in remote districts of South Omo in 2008.