Women Lead

Women Lead project Amref Ethiopia

Empowerment of women and girls in all spheres is a prerequisite for combating gender inequality and creating inclusive, equitable and just societies. In Afar, gender-based violence (GBV) is determined by rigid social structures; gender power imbalances, inequalities, harmful stereotypes, impunity and discrimination remain the root causes.

With financial support from Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Women Lead project aims to advance gender equality through social and economic empowerment of women and girls in Afar. 

Theory of Change

If community engagement in prevention and response to GBV is improved,

If school attendance of girls through improved menstrual health and hygiene (MHM) increased,

If health facilities’ services are improved to deliver essential SRH and GBV services, and

If access to economic opportunities for vulnerable women and youth improved,

Then, the barriers to achieve the improvement of women’s and girls’ rights in the Afar region will be addressed.

Primary Outcomes

  • Improved community engagement in prevention and response to GBV
  • Increased school attendance of girls through improved menstrual health and hygiene           
  • Improved SRH and GBV response services
  • Improved access to economic opportunities for vulnerable women and youth


  • Advancing gender equality through the social and economic empowerment of women and girls.


  • Gender Transformative Approach to raise awareness against unfair social norms, community work, strengthening GBV services, access to SRH and MHM spaces and counselling

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