The Power of Engaging Community Workers: Amina’s story

Amina is the mother of six children – five daughters and one son. She lives in Awbare Woreda of the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia. Amina and her husband both work as daily laborers, making their living by taking jobs …
Civil Engagement for Community Health Services

Civil Engagement for Community Health Services Health service delivery gap is pronounced in certain areas of Somali Region where there is a weak link between communities and health posts or health centres. Even when health extension workers are active and …
The Fight Against Child Abduction

Each day, 12-year-old Amina travels up to four kilometers by foot to attend school at Sabure Elementary in Awash Fentalie district of the Afar region. One afternoon, Amina was travelling home from school, along her usual route with her friends, …
Extension of Water Pipeline Expands Water Access for Households in Dabesoloke Kebele

Gadisa Hurisa is a 47-year-old farmer who lives with her husband and seven children in an informal settlement called Soloko Kurfa in Adama town, Dabesoloke Kebele. She was born and raised in Soloko Kurfa and describes the lives of her …
“What a Relief! We Now Have Clean and Safe Water Close to Our House”

Belaynesh Shiferaw’s young daughter, Rahel, is responsible for fetching water for their household. Each day, usually multiple times a day, Rahel travels over thirty minutes to fetch water from the nearby town of Kela.
Belaynesh is 60 years old. She …
Waste Collection Business Helps Improve Sanitation, Hygiene, and Livelihood

Jemal Shifa, 51, was born in the Gurage zone of the SNNPR. For the last 24 years, he has lived with his wife and four children in Metehara, Oromia Regional State, one of the Making WASH Everybody’s Business (MWEB) project …
From Distant Hospitals to Local Health Centres: Ultrasound Service Task Shifting to Mid-Level Health Professionals

Too many pregnant women in the developing regions travel far for basic maternal health services. In places like the Afar Region, the topography and climate present significant barriers and health risks to pregnant women seeking care.
Traditionally, basic maternal health …
Women’s Development Armies Championing the Fight Against Female Genital Cutting

In the small village of Buri Kebele, in the Amibara district of the Afar region, 30-year old Ahadi Geneto lives with her eight children and husband of 14 years. Like nearly 90 percent of girls and women in Afar, Ahadi …
Amref Health Africa Supported Youth to Engage in Solid Waste Collection Business and Improve their Livelihood

Jemal Shifa, 51, was born in the Gurage zone of the SNNPR. For the last 24 years, he has lived with his wife and four children in Metehara, Oromia Regional State, one of the Making WASH Everybody’s Business (MWEB) project …
Maternity Waiting Homes Contributing to Reductions in Maternal and Newborn Mortality in Developing Regions of Ethiopia

Globally, more than 75% of maternal and newborn deaths occur during pregnancy, delivery, and after giving birth. In resource limited countries, such as Ethiopia, contributing factors include a lack of trained health professionals, poor health facility infrastructure and inaccessible geographic …