From Distant Hospitals to Local Health Centres: Ultrasound Service Task Shifting to Mid-Level Health Professionals

Towards Better Sanitation and Hygiene Practice – An Initiative by Amref Health Africa’s RAIN project

Ali Ahmed, 36, is a father of eight children (4 males and 4 females). He lives in Afa Genaro kebele, Bambasi woreda of Benishangul-Gumuz region, where Amref Health Africa through Coca-Cola Africa Foundation funded RAIN project implements water, sanitation and …
Advancing Solid Waste Collection One Step Ahead

Mohammedsani Mustefa, 25, lives in a rented room with his mother in Addis Ketema Sub-City of Addis Ababa. Two years ago, he quitted working as a daily laborer at construction sites due to the back breaking nature of the job, …
WASH first -COVID-19 response

Living in a rural Hagugeta Kuni kebele of Shameshemene district in the Oromia Regional State, Woyitue had very little information about the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its preventive measures. Lack of adequate information on COVID-19 contamination and its prevention …
From Open Defecation to Improved Household Latrine

Rahel Tareke, a mother of four in Adama city in the Oromia Regional State, recalls the tiring challenges that she had endured due to the lack of household pit latrines. “Imagine having no household pit latrine while living at the …
Challenges are Now a Thing of the Past

Amina Aman, 60-years-old, recalls the dire situation concerning access to potable water in her small vicinity of Faji Gobe Kebele in the Shashemene District of Oromia Regional State.
The old, yet vibrant, Amina endured enormous challenges as she had to …
Amref Health Africa Partners with Youth Network for Sustainable Development and Hiwot Ethiopia to Empower Youth

Amref Health Africa partnering with Youth Network for Sustainable Development and Hiwot Ethiopia launched a youth targeted project that empowers young people to advocate for inclusive decision-making and gender equality. In alignment with Ethiopian government priorities, the project will ensure …
Using Mobile Based Training to Support Community Health Workers Champion COVID-19 Prevention in Rural Communities

Equipping frontline health workers with the required knowledge and skills to respond to COVID-19 at the community level is one of the priorities of Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health.
Degsew Mezgebu, 30, is a clinical nurse, working in Bahirdar town of …
COVID-19 in Ethiopia – Timely Response at a Wider Scale Through Mobile-Based Training

Health extension workers (HEW) are a critical health workforce in the Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) in the Ethiopian health system. They are currently leading the nation’s community-level COVID-19 response through creating awareness, conducting house-to-house active case finding, and referring …
Maintaining the Momentum of Widening Public Awareness on COVID-19

September 13, 2020 marked six-months since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Ethiopia. Collectively, many of us have felt a wide range of emotions including fear, suspense, and uncertainty. Many of us have felt confined by the restrictions …